Pierrette Desrosiers, a powerful speaker

Pierrette Desrosiers is the first work psychologist and specialised coach in the agricultural sector in Canada. She is fascinated by the many human challenges of family farms.


A powerful speaker, original and recognised by the agricultural sector, she sets a standard with her rigour, her humorous approach and the pertinence of her words. This psychologist is known for going straight to the heart of her audience’s concerns. Her academic profil and experience as a work psychologist, a coach and trainer makes her a dynamic speaker, unafraid of questions, of taking on challenges and turning them into opportunities for personal and professional growth.


Her innovative approach, her humour as well as her ability to make a real difference in the lives of those she meets; these make Pierrette one of the most appreciated speakers in the agricultural sector, in Quebec and in Canada.


Raised in a family of farmers and indeed married to a farmer for over 30 years, Pierrette Desrosiers has always been interested in the agricultural field. She has been active as a work psychologist, speaker, trainer and work coach. Her years of professional interventions among farmers have shown her the startling growth of stress and psychological distress, and the urgency of the situation.


Her conferences and workshops challenge individuals towards self-management and interpersonal relations. Within these, Pierrette Desrosiers stresses the development of self-knowledge towards a better know-how within the context of a human approach to agriculture. Her interventions aim to provide tools for managers to take up the main management challenges of family farms and the agri-food industry: reaching their goals, co-management, emotional and stress management, psychological distress, communications, motivation, the use of emotional intelligence and of course, Happiness farming.


A coach certified by the International Coach Federation in San Francisco, and recently a practitioner in neurolinguistic programming certified by California University, Pierrette Desrosiers has risen to the rank of most appreciated and sought-after speaker and conference leader in the agricultural world. Building on her scientific knowledge, her remarkable communication skills, her special understanding of the context as well as her pertinent intervention strategies, she communicates her ideas with humour and startling ease.


Sa formation académique et son parcours impressionnant de psychologue du travail, de coach et de formatrice, en font une conférencière recherchée. De nature curieuse et déterminée, elle ne craint pas de soulever des questionnements, de relever des défis et d’en faire des occasions d’apprentissages personnels et professionnels.
Son approche est novatrice et dynamique. Sa capacité à faire une réelle différence dans la vie de ceux et celles qu’elle rencontre, fait de Pierrette l’une des conférencières les plus appréciées, comme le révèle les nombreux témoignages. Parallèlement, elle se démarque autant dans le milieu agricole que corporatif, et ce, tant au Québec qu’au Canada.
Ses conférences, formations et ateliers interpellent les individus dans le développement de l’intelligence émotionnelle. Au sein de ceux-ci, Pierrette Desrosiers favorise le développement du Savoir-Être pour un meilleur Savoir-Faire, dans le contexte d’une entreprise humaine. Les interventions qu’elle effectue visent à outiller les gestionnaires, afin de relever les principaux défis à l’intérieur même des entreprises. L’atteinte de leurs objectifs, la gestion de la relève, la gestion des émotions et du stress, la détresse psychologique, la communication, la motivation, les compétences émotionnelles, et bien sûr la culture du bonheur, sont autant de sujets abordés dans ses interventions.