

Why do you vote and for whom

We vote everyday. Of course, we don’t go to the polls everyday, but we vote nonetheless. Did you realize that there’s a government in your own home? There are departments of health, finance, food, public relations and affairs, communications, the status of women, labour and several others. You are in charge of the entire [...]

2020-03-23T17:51:03+00:00 September 19 2018|Leadership|0 Comments

Constructive criticism

Feedback helps to develop another person’s skills or improve our relationship, but we have to know how to give it.   “Honey, your pâté is very good, but you should put more spices in it. But don't worry, I think you're an excellent cook.” What will this spouse hear, the compliments, the criticism or [...]

2020-03-23T17:51:04+00:00 August 15 2018|Leadership, Motivation|0 Comments
  • Destructive criticism

Destructive criticism

Constructive criticism is evaluation intended to help us improve our behaviour. Unfortunately, it often proves to be destructive. We all want to know ourselves better and improve ourselves. It seems that there are only two ways to do that: through introspection, which consists of self-evaluation, self-analysis and producing a balance of our actions and [...]

2020-03-23T17:51:04+00:00 August 1 2018|Emotionnal Intelligence, Leadership|0 Comments