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Business decisions or decisions from hell?

“Had I known, I would have done things differently. This was supposed to improve our situation, but we’ve never felt so overwhelmed and so vulnerable financially.” Does this sound familiar? I have heard these remarks dozens of times. How many business decisions end up being decisions from hell?   These decisions can involve situations [...]

2020-03-23T17:51:14-04:00July 31 2018|Non classifié(e)|0 Comments

They’re doing time together

I have conducted conferences with many, many farmers, and most of the time the topic involved the management of stress. Several of these farmers also approached me for consultation. One constant emerges: the difficult farming situations experienced  over the last few years have been particularly hard on couples.   Take the example of Carol [...]

2020-03-23T17:51:15-04:00July 26 2018|Non classifié(e)|0 Comments