It happens to all of us: we set goals and in the end are not able to reach them. Some of the questions listed below can certainly help you to assess the quality of your goal and the probability of reaching it.
Importance: how important is your goal? If you rate it only 6/10, you may give it up when you encounter the first obstacle.
On a scale of 1 (not important at all) to 10 (extremely important):
I rate my goal at ______
Feeling of personal effectiveness: Henry Ford said: “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”
On a scale of 1 to 10, what degree of confidence do you have that you will succeed in reaching your goal, considering you will be putting in all the effort needed and have all the resources required?
I am confident that, by taking the required steps, I can reach my goal:
Is your goal a “SMART” goal?
Goals are often too vague. For example: “I am going to work less.” On the other hand, specific goals emphasize details such as “I am going to take time for myself. I will play sports four times a week.”
Sometimes goals are imprecise. For example, “I want to cut my spending.” Measurable goals provided concrete information, such as “I will decrease my food costs by 3%.” By establishing a number, it is easier to verify whether or not the goal has been reached.
Frequently, the success or failure [of the internship] depends in part on establishing practical and achievable goals. For example, unachievable goals sound like this: “I will increase my net income by 50% by next year.” Unachievable goals are only discouraging and undermine your self-esteem.
Setting a deadline elicits a sense of urgency, encourages action and therefore favours accomplishment of a goal. In addition, setting a specific schedule makes it possible to monitor progress on the work. For example, “I want to renovate the old shed.” The question to ask here is “by the end of this December or in about two years?”
Is your goal environmentally friendly?
Goals are achieved within a system. When we pursue a goal, it has an effect on our life and those around us. Therefore, here are a few questions worth addressing:
What would be the consequences or effects of these goals:
· On your physical and psychological health?
· On those around you: your spouse, your children, your employees, your associates?
· On your environment and society in its widest sense?
Finally, your goal should be stimulating and enriching for you.
Resource Planning
What resources will you need (money, time, energy, skill development, contact, equipment, etc.)? Accomplishing goals requires various resources. Make as realistic and specific a list as possible.
What are the obstacles you might face? How can you confront them and what steps can you take to overcome them?
The more you are able to respond precisely and positively to these questions, the more likely you are to succeed.
Pierrette Desrosiers,
Work Psychologist, professionnal speaker, author and business coach