Emotionnal Intelligence

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The one man show

Risking failure during a farm transfer Paul said, “My son will never be able to do what I did and will never be able to succeed like I have.” Paul’s pride, unfortunately, has reached an unhealthy and destructive level. He is a 60-year-old farmer who started with nothing and built up a prosperous company, [...]

Who’s to blame?

Searching for the culprit in the current agricultural situation?  Remember that it is we who make the final decisions in our daily lives. “My business is so big! I thought expanding would reduce the number of problems. In fact, I’ve never had so many.” Paul is distraught. He doesn’t know where to turn. He [...]

When trust dies

How can we carry on in either a loving relationship or a business relationship when the trust is gone?   “I trusted him blindly before, now that’s gone.” A relationship, whatever the kind, will be strongly influenced by the level of trust between partners; parent-child, brother-sister, associates, friends, spouses, etc.   What is trust? [...]

2020-03-23T17:51:15+00:00 July 10 2018|Emotionnal Intelligence|0 Comments