Darwin clearly demonstrated that, as do all species, human beings must constantly adapt to change or risk disappearing. In agriculture, as in business, we must constantly adapt, thus changing in order to survive effectively in a competitive world.

In fact, change is the only constant. However, change for its own sake is far from beneficial either economically or from a human perspective.

So, how do we make sure that we are changing for the better?

One thing is for sure: there is no rock-solid guarantee on any decisions we make. Nevertheless, the coaching approach provides us with some very interesting questions we can ask ourselves about prospective changes we must make, whether they are small ones (e.g. changing cell phones) or big ones (building a new stable, buying land, etc.). Those questions may be very useful to us and may increase our chances for success. Try them out before making your next change.

What will this change must improve?

Why is this improvement important?

How does this change fit with my values, needs and company/life mission?

What results do I want? If you are in the process of changing, is it because you want a result different from that provided by your current situation? How are you going to measure that result? What methods will you use to gauge the success of this change?

Which phases of this change could most affect those around me? Which phases could be the hardest?

how do I make the change? What resources are available to me to make this change? Prepare a list of your resources (time, money, materials, skills, etc.)

How much time do I have? Do you want to make this change immediately, by the end of the month, end of the year?

Do I have a margin of error? If you are mistaken about this change, what will be the consequences? Could you live with them? Are they irreversible?

What would be the best change?

What is the need for, usefulness of and interest in this change? In fact, what would happen if you did not change or did not make this particular change?

What could be some alternatives to this change? Could you find something less expensive (in time, energy, money and risk)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of these alternatives compared to this initial desired change? Prepare a pro and con list.

What is the cost of this change? Cost includes, in this case, everything that could possibly happen: stress, for example, because all changes produce stress (and cost money, energy, etc.)

What are the losses versus the gains?

Am I really ready to pay the price for this change?

How do I usually react to change?


Who else does this change affect? Have they been consulted? Are they involved in the decision? Are they willing?

What do they have to gain and/or lose?

What is the true cost of this change for them? Are they ready to pay it? Can they pay it? Do they want to pay it?

I wish you luck with your reflection and change!

Pierrette Desrosiers,

Work Psychologist, professionnal speaker, author and business coach

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