
“Getting ahead in life or success in life? »

It is difficult to have a high energy level when we are haunted by negative emotions, which is not inner peace. It is also difficult to have positive relationships with others at the same time of maintaining anger. Our lack of energy, our inner demons and conflicts with others affect our daily energy, our business decisions, our productivity, our brief financial health of our entire life. I invite you to read this blog to discover ideas, tools, strategies to help you live your life.

Think Big! Bigger is better

The other morning, while stirring my coffee, I was flipping through an agricultural magazine. “Think big”, “The American dream”, or “Go for it” seem to be life’s biggest objectives. To motivate us, we are [...]

October 23 2018|Goals|

What is really important for you

We make hundreds of choices each day that affect our businesses, our eating, our spending, our relationships, our activities and our health. However, many of these decisions are made unconsciously, automatically, and they often [...]

October 17 2018|Emotional Intelligence|

Why do you vote and for whom

We vote everyday. Of course, we don’t go to the polls everyday, but we vote nonetheless. Did you realize that there’s a government in your own home? There are departments of health, finance, food, [...]

September 19 2018|Leadership|

Emotional Awarness

Emotional awareness: Being emotionally aware is the foundation of healthy business management  Charles is heading for the stable. He notes that, yet again, his employee has arrived five minutes late. “This is enough. I [...]

September 19 2018|Non classifié(e)|

Are You In Shape?

Farm work has always been synonymous with health and good physical condition. Is that still the case? Are you in shape? Paul has no energy anymore. He wakes up exhausted and gets winded at [...]

September 11 2018|Goals, Motivation|

“Quality of life,” you said?

It is synonymous with well-being, perceived health and life satisfaction. “Twenty years ago, we went downhill skiing about 15 days a year, my wife and I, but now, finding one day is a miracle. [...]

August 21 2018|Goals|

Constructive criticism

Feedback helps to develop another person’s skills or improve our relationship, but we have to know how to give it.   “Honey, your pâté is very good, but you should put more spices in [...]

August 15 2018|Leadership, Motivation|
  • Destructive criticism

Destructive criticism

Constructive criticism is evaluation intended to help us improve our behaviour. Unfortunately, it often proves to be destructive. We all want to know ourselves better and improve ourselves. It seems that there are only [...]

August 1 2018|Emotionnal Intelligence, Leadership|

We Can Be Too Motivated

When we invest everything into one area of our lives, we become extremely vulnerable. If this area collapses, our whole life falls apart.   Mark, 35 years old, approached me because “life at home [...]

July 31 2018|Goals|